The Importance of Energy Conservation

Woodyfuel is passionate about sustainability and providing green energy for the future. However, as a whole population, energy conservation is an aspect that can be worked on to improve our environment and move into the new year! In this article, we will explain more about the importance of energy conservation and how you can improve the environment and aid future generations.

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What Is Energy Conservation?

The term ‘energy conservation’ refers to the process and method of using less energy. To conserve energy, turning off lights when not in use, disconnecting appliances when they aren’t in use (and using energy-efficient appliances overall), and taking a walk instead of using the car are just a few examples. Not only does this save energy, but it will lower your energy bills, prevent greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide emissions.

What is the Difference Between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency and energy conservation might be related, but they have different definitions within the world of energy. Energy conservation is the process to reduce energy usage, as mentioned above, which is achieved by changing your lifestyle and habits. On the other hand, energy efficiency requires less power to accomplish the same job. Energy-efficient light bulbs, large kitchen appliances, and smart thermostats are all examples of technology that could be energy efficient.

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What are the Benefits of Energy Conservation?

The idea to reduce energy consumption could appear like a lot of trouble. For example, many people simply increase the temperature on their thermostat when they believe that their heating isn’t hot enough instead of taking measures and using energy-efficient alternatives to block thermal energy from escaping. Once you’ve established habitual behaviour, it’s simple to reduce your energy use significantly by taking simple steps. And it’s not all about energy savings because you would also reduce energy waste and save money by using energy conservation devices such as energy-saving bulbs instead of traditional incandescent light bulbs. Energy-efficient products such as smart power strips, standby mode on unused appliances, smart thermostat, or reducing the use of your high energy washing machine and tumble dryer are all energy conservation methods that you can enact.

There are plenty of advantages to saving energy, some of which are listed below:

Environmental Impact

Some energy-generating methods produce vast quantities of carbon emissions from fossil fuels. The less we consume, the less energy we have to create. This means less harm to the environment by conserving energy. The pollution released by power plants can contribute to climate change as well. Power plants that use coal also emit radiation. Another issue associated with non-renewable energy sources includes water in the production process. When droughts are frequent across the world, it’s difficult to justify the use of vast amounts of water this way.

energy conservation against carbon dioxide


A large portion of energy in Britain comes from nuclear power. Nuclear energy is considered a clean energy source, as it doesn’t cause any direct pollution. However, the nuclear power industry is a risky proposition in the event of a malfunction – and they can happen. If nuclear reactors fail and emit radiation, the consequences are felt for years to come on the health of humans, wildlife, and the earth. Although such events are uncommon, they’re not unattainable, which was proven recently by the Fukushima accident in Japan.

This issue (and pollution) could be prevented if the UK switched towards renewable energy. However, conserving energy wherever possible will be essential because weather dependence on solar or wind means it’s challenging to count on a steady supply (you can read more about renewable energy here). There is also biomass as a renewable energy source to consider, and that’s where we can come in!


There are many reasons to control your energy use. In addition to minimizing the environmental damage and reducing your carbon footprint, you could save significant amounts of money. And by working together, you can avoid situations where supply is insufficient to meet the demand. Energy is a scarce resource that has been neglected by government officials in the UK government. However, steps toward renewable energy are being made (read about that here!). Energy conservation will ease pressure on the UK in uncertain times due to the closing energy gap.

energy conservation in forestry management


Saving money is a clear advantage of reducing energy consumption. Savings can be accumulated quickly through simple actions like eliminating draughts or installing LED lights. Intelligent control of heating and insulation will make a massive difference in the amount of money you save and the energy you conserve. Reducing your dependence on electricity providers can be a good thing, as the energy prices are volatile and may increase at any moment. Since you don’t have any control over energy prices from energy providers, it’s essential to keep on top of your energy costs to the greatest extent you can, such as decreasing the amount of electricity and gas you consume.

Heating Comfort

Surprisingly, less energy production can increase the quality of heating in your home or business. This is because if you’re focused on reducing the amount of draughts in your home, it will remain warmer and use less energy overall. Being smart about heating will allow your home to hold more heat, become less drafty, and you can feel more at ease.

energy conservation for warm home

What UN Sustainable Development Goals Include Energy Conservation?

We have already completed two articles discussing the sustainable goals relating to renewable energy and how we are helping the planet (affordable clean energy and sustainable cities and communities). However, when it comes to energy conservation, there are other goals to keep in mind which the UN is enacting, and you can help:

Responsible Consumption and Production

This goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. By 2030, we want to achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. At Woodyfuel, we are passionate about biodiversity conservation, biomass production, and sustainable forestry management, which can aid in this goal and energy conservation.

The goal also includes:

  • Reducing food waste and retail consumption.

  • The management of chemicals.

  • Integrating sustainable practices in businesses to save energy.

  • Strengthening scientific and technological capacity to develop sustainable patterns.

  • Spreading information and awareness to people so everyone can start understanding energy conservation.

  • Reduce inefficient fossil fuel subsidies (such as natural gas, coal, and oil) to conserve energy.

See complete plans here.

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Climate Action

This goal involves taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Energy conservation helps in preventing climate change due to the lessening of pollution. A few UN targets for the climate action goal includes:

  • Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards.

  • Incorporate climate change-related measures within national policy, strategy, and planning.

  • Improve awareness on climate change reduction (such as the importance of energy conservation).

  • Reduce costs or implement grants for the average energy-efficient appliance.

See complete plans here.

How can Woodyfuel Help in Energy Conservation?

We are doing our bit for the environment and encouraging our customers to do the same. Our facilities can collect, process, and reuse wood materials to be used as a green fuel that can help support bio-based sustainable heating systems. This, in turn, aids with the reduction of energy use. We ensure our articles explain in detail the importance of sustainability (as evident in this one!), and we are approved on the Biomass Suppliers List as a sustainable business. We have experts to offer advice on how to use our biomass products for your business, so give us a call today to get you on the path of sustainability and energy conservation!

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